

With increasing competition in the global market as well as organizations going global to cater to growing demands and expansion, it is only necessary that companies train their employees with soft skills. Soft skills are incorporated into training modules for employees in order to bring in a greater degree of professionalism in their working methodology.

As part of the NovaMentis Consulting soft skill training programs, we train attributes of an individual like listening skills, communication skills, responsibility acceptance, positive attitude towards work and individuals, team work, ability to work under pressure, time management, body language, eye contact, socializing,  team building activities, group discussions, interview skills, presentation skills, corporate etiquette, ethics, inter/ intra personal skills and other need based skills which help in enhancing performance of the employees and demonstrate professionalism.

More organizations across the globe recognize that it is not enough to be an expert in the field one is working for as they require soft skills to keep their jobs and to enhance business profits. Unlike the conventional training strategies of classroom and black boards, soft skill training involves more interactive teaching methods apart from activities, games, role play and other such exercises to make it more fun to learn and help in making employees/ individuals build on their personalities.

Each soft skill training manual is tailor made depending on the requirement of the job and assist in bringing participants out of their comfort zones, the training helps people to think out of the box and enhance their self-awareness by developing and discovering newer abilities required for the job.

In a nutshell, soft skill training has become necessity for most corporate jobs and as a life skill. However, continual training is needed to keep the business afloat, maintain decorum and increase profits.  Our professional approach towards training and professional education including workshops, webinars, train the trainer and customized training materials are created to suit the needs of each organization specially. Clients recognize the increase in employee performance, increase in revenue and also customer satisfaction.

Critical Thinking Work Shop

Do any of your managers:

  • Know the fallacies in reasoning?
  • Consider all perspectives before taking a decision?
  • Identify additional information required to take decisions?
  • Have skills to distinguish between good reasoning and bad?
  • Have good problem solving skills?
  • Do they recognize implicit assumptions?
  • Have the skills to drill down to identifying core issues?
  • Confuse rhetoric with reasoning?

If the answer is NO to any one or more of the above questions you should try our CRITICAL THINKING work shop conducted by experts with over 3 decades of experience in this field.


We also provide customized training on IT skills including Java, HTML, .Net, Android, IOS, MySQL, Oracle, C-Sharp etc with industry leading experts, techniques and course material.